Meal prep for weight gain: The basics and meal ideas

meal prep to gain weight

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Meal prepping is a strategic approach that simplifies the journey towards weight gain, focusing on building muscle mass rather than accumulating fat. It emphasizes the importance of a consistent intake of calorie-dense meals to achieve a caloric surplus, ensuring that each meal contributes positively towards your weight gain goals[1]. By facilitating better control over calorie and macronutrient (macros) intake, meal prepping aligns closely with nutrition goals, allowing for a more informed selection of nutrients, emphasizing on proteins, carbs, and healthy fats essential for muscle gain[2]. Additionally, it enhances the variety and quality of one’s diet, making it significaIndividuals can embark on a healthy lifestyle that supports weight gain by reducing food waste, curbing the temptation to opt for takeout, and ensuring that home-cooked meals become a staplently easier to incorporate nutrient-dense meals such as high-calorie dinner recipes, post-workout meals, and other foods labeled for their rich nutritional content[3].

Adopting meal prep for weight gain not only aids in reaching dietary and nutrition goals but also streamlines the meal planning process, saving time and money in the long haul. By reducing food waste, curbing the temptation to opt for takeout, and ensuring that home-cooked meals become a staple, individuals can embark on a healthy lifestyle that supports weight gain. Furthermore, meal prep containers play a crucial role in portion control and the efficient storage of meals, which contributes to preventing overeating and promoting a balanced, nutritious diet[4]. This systematic approach to food not only nurtures physical health by fostering better eating habits but also bolsters emotional and mental well-being by alleviating the stress of daily meal decisions[5].

Understanding Caloric Surplus and Macronutrient Balance

Achieving a caloric surplus is fundamental for weight gain, especially for those looking to increase muscle mass. This involves consuming more calories than the body expends. A practical approach to determine your daily caloric needs for weight gain includes:

  1. Calculating Baseline Caloric Needs:
    • Men: Current weight (in pounds) x 11[2].
    • Women: Current weight (in pounds) x 10[2].
    • Multiply the result by your activity level to adjust for energy expenditure[2].
  2. Establishing a Caloric Surplus:
    • For beginners, aim to add 300-1000 calories to your daily intake. Those with 1-2+ years of muscle-building experience should consider a more conservative increase of 100-300 calories [2].
    • The ideal surplus for men ranges between 100-400 calories above maintenance, while for women, it’s slightly lower at 100-300 calories [7].
  3. Macronutrient Distribution:
    • Protein: Essential for muscle repair and growth. Aim for 1.2-1.7 grams per kilogram of body weight [9]. Protein should constitute approximately 35% of your daily calorie intake [2].
    • Carbohydrates: Provide the energy needed for workouts and recovery. Opt for complex carbs from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, making up around 35% of your calories [9].
    • Fats: Source of essential fatty acids and energy, especially for longer-duration exercises. Healthy fats from sources like nuts, seeds, and avocados should make up about 25% of your calorie intake [9].

Incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your meal prep is crucial for ensuring that your weight gain is healthy and supports muscle growth. Emphasize protein-rich foods, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats in your meal planning. This not only aids in achieving the necessary caloric surplus but also ensures a balanced intake of macronutrients critical for body functions and muscle recovery [1].

Meal prepping with a focus on variety and nutrient density can significantly contribute to reaching your weight gain and muscle-building goals. By planning and preparing meals that align with these nutritional guidelines, you can ensure a consistent intake of the necessary calories and macros, facilitating a healthy and effective weight gain journey [1].

Planning Your Weight Gain Meal Prep

To effectively plan your weight gain meal prep, consider the following strategies:

  • Daily Meal Planning:
    • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner: Choose recipes that are rich in proteins and balance your macros. Aim for 1000 calories and 62g of protein per meal prep container [10].
    • Snacks and Beverages: Include 2-3 snacks and adequate hydration between meals. Opt for snacks that can add calories without suppressing appetite, such as nuts, dried fruits, or cheese [11].
    • Pre and Post-Workout Meals: Focus on quick-acting carbs and protein before workouts for energy and minimal fat post-workout to aid in muscle recovery [1].
  • Weekly Preparation:
    • Cooking/Prep Days: Decide on the number of days you will dedicate to meal prep. This could be once or twice a week depending on your schedule [9].
    • Meal Portioning: Use meal prep containers that are sufficiently large to hold your meals, ensuring they meet your calorie and macro goals. These can be stored in the fridge for up to five days or frozen for longer preservation [10].
    • Adjust Recipes: Customize recipes to fit dietary needs or preferences, ensuring each meal is nutrient-dense and aligned with your weight gain goals [10].
  • Eating Schedule:
    • Meals and Snacks Timing: Schedule 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks each day. Eating small, frequent meals can help build a healthy appetite and ensure a steady intake of calories throughout the day [11].
    • Hydration: Drink water between meals and snacks to stay hydrated without affecting your appetite for scheduled meals [11].
    • Light Exercise: Engage in light exercise daily to improve appetite and support a healthy lifestyle conducive to weight gain [11].

By adhering to these planning and preparation strategies, you can ensure that your meal prep aligns with your weight gain and nutrition goals, facilitating a structured and efficient approach to gaining weight healthily.

Recipes and Meal Ideas

For those embarking on a meal prep journey with the goal of weight gain, incorporating recipes that are both high in calories and rich in nutrients is crucial. Here are some meal ideas and recipes designed to help achieve a caloric surplus, essential for muscle gain and weight gain:

High-Calorie Meal Ideas

  • Big Boy Baked Penne [12]:
    • Calories: Approximately 1040 per serving
    • Protein: 68.4 grams per serving
    • Key Ingredients: Penne pasta, ground beef, onion, garlic, spinach, diced and crushed tomatoes, basil, oregano, salt, ricotta, mozzarella, and parmesan cheese
  • Big Boy Barbecue Beef Meatballs [13]:
    • Calories: Approximately 1019 per serving
    • Protein: 55.5 grams per serving
    • Key Ingredients: Ground beef, eggs, oat flour, salt, black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, barbecue sauce, dry rice, Russet potatoes, oil, red onion, spinach, pinto beans, garlic powder, dried oregano, salt, pepper, barbecue sauce, and ketchup

Vegan Options for Weight Gain

For those following a vegan diet, here are nutrient-dense, high-calorie meal prep ideas:

  • High Calorie Vegan Meal Prep Recipes [15]:
    • 1-Pot Potato Curry: 480 calories
    • Green Goddess Rice Bowl: 944 calories
    • Shawarma Bowls: 552 calories
    • Easy Avocado Sushi Roll: 571 calories
    • Spicy Sausage and Brussels Sprouts Pasta: 649 calories
    • Ultimate Bagel Sandwich: 648 calories

Smoothies and Snacks for Caloric Intake

  • Smoothies [16]: A blend of ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and protein powders can create a delicious, high-calorie snack. The versatility of smoothies allows for endless variations to meet nutritional needs and personal taste preferences.
  • Grain Salads [16]: Preparing a large batch of grain salad, incorporating calorie-rich grains like quinoa or brown rice with a variety of vegetables, nuts, and a protein source, offers a convenient way to snack on nutrient-dense food throughout the day.

By choosing recipes with known macros [1], individuals can ensure their meal prep aligns with their weight gain and nutrition goals, making the journey towards a healthier lifestyle both efficient and enjoyable.

Storing and Reheating Prepped Meals

When it comes to storing and reheating your meticulously prepped meals, a few key strategies can ensure that your food remains as fresh and delicious as when it was first cooked. Here’s how to manage your meal prep efficiently:

Storing Your Meals

  • Refrigeration:
    • Immediately after cooling, portion your meals into airtight containers to slow down bacteria growth and maintain freshness [17].
    • Store meals in the fridge at temperatures below 40°F (ideally between 35°F and 38°F) to prevent bacteria proliferation [17].
    • Implement a first-in, first-out (FIFO) system by labeling containers with the meal prep dish name, date made, and expiration date to ensure older meals are consumed first, reducing waste [18].
  • Freezing:
    • For long-term storage, use freezer-safe containers or resealable bags, ensuring food is cooled before freezing to minimize moisture and prevent freezer burn [17][21].
    • Keep your freezer at 0°F for optimal storage conditions, and organize meals with labels for easy access [17].
    • Defrost meals by transferring them to the refrigerator the night before consumption, maintaining safety and preserving taste [21].

Reheating Your Meals

  • Oven/Stove Reheating:
    • Preferably, reheat food in the oven or on the stove as these methods provide even heat distribution, helping to retain moisture and avoid sogginess [1][19].
    • For added moisture, introduce a small amount of water, butter, or oil, and cover the pot or pan to trap steam and enhance flavor [19].
    • Adjust reheating time according to the portion size and ensure food reaches an internal temperature of 165°F for safety [17][19].
  • Microwave Tips:
    • When using the microwave, opt for glass containers or BPA-free plastic to avoid chemical leaching, transferring meals to plates if necessary [17][21].
    • To prevent dryness, slightly undercook ingredients like beef or shrimp during initial cooking, allowing them to finish cooking upon reheating [19].

By adhering to these practices for storing and reheating meals, you can enjoy the convenience of meal prep without sacrificing the quality or safety of your food. Remember, the key to successful meal prep for weight gain lies in maintaining the integrity of your meals from the moment they’re cooked to when they’re consumed.

Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing Your Meals

To embark on a successful meal prep journey for weight gain, follow these structured steps:

  1. Preparation and Shopping:
    • Create a Detailed Shopping List: Start by listing all the necessary ingredients needed for your meal prep. This ensures you have everything on hand when you start cooking, minimizing disruptions [9].
    • Selecting Meal Prep Containers: Choose containers that suit your needs, considering factors like size for portion control, microwave or oven safety for reheating, and ease of transport [9].
  2. Cooking and Portioning:
    • Decide on Cooking Days: Determine which days you will dedicate to meal prep. This could be once or twice a week, depending on your schedule [1].
    • Batch Cooking: Utilize batch cooking methods to prepare multiple meals at once, saving time and effort [1].
    • Portion Control: Use a food scale to measure precise portions of food. This helps in ensuring that you are consuming the right amount of calories and nutrients as per your goal [9][1].
  3. Tracking and Adjusting:
    • Use a Food Tracking App: Keep track of your daily intake with a food tracking app. This tool is invaluable for making sure you’re on the right path towards your weight gain goals [9][1].
    • Adjust as Necessary: Based on the feedback from your tracking, adjust your portions or ingredients to better meet your caloric surplus and macronutrient needs [9].

By adhering to these steps, you can streamline your meal prep process, making it easier to achieve your weight gain objectives. Remember, consistency and accuracy in your preparation and tracking are key to reaching your nutrition goals.

Top High-Calorie Foods for Muscle Gain

Incorporating high-calorie foods into your diet is essential for muscle gain and achieving a caloric surplus. Here’s a breakdown of top high-calorie foods that support muscle growth, along with their nutritional benefits:

  • Protein-Rich Foods:
    • Salmon: Not only high in calories, but salmon also offers protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins like B12 and B6, crucial for muscle repair and growth [22] [4].
    • Eggs: A versatile protein source, eggs are packed with essential minerals and vitamins, making them a staple for muscle gain diets [22].
    • Lean Beef: Provides a significant amount of protein, B vitamins, minerals, and creatine, which are vital for muscle development [22] [23].
    • Greek Yogurt: A combination of fast-digesting whey protein and slow-digesting casein protein, making it an excellent post-workout snack [22].
  • Carbohydrates and Fiber:
    • Oats: Offers complex carbs for sustained energy, along with dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals [22].
    • Quinoa and Brown Rice: Both are excellent sources of carbohydrates and fiber, supporting muscle growth and recovery. Quinoa also provides B vitamins, magnesium, and phosphorus [22].
  • Healthy Fats and Calories:
    • Avocados: Loaded with healthy fats, dietary fibers, and antioxidants. A small to medium-sized avocado contains about 230 calories and 21 grams of fat [22] [4].
    • Nuts and Nut Butters: High in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, they offer protein, fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Almonds, for instance, contain 7g protein, 12g healthy fats, and 120 calories per handful [22] [23] [4].
    • Olive Oil: A tablespoon provides 120 calories and 14g of fat, making it an easy addition to meals for extra calories and healthy fats [4].

Incorporating these foods into your meal prep for weight gain can help ensure you’re getting the necessary nutrients for muscle gain while maintaining a balanced and healthy diet. Remember to spread out protein intake and include pre and post-workout meals to enhance workouts and recovery [1].


How can meal prepping assist with weight gain?

Meal prepping can be an effective strategy for weight gain by ensuring you have nutritious, calorie-dense meals ready to eat, even on your busiest days. To optimize meal prep for weight gain, focus on a balanced intake of macronutrients, particularly high-protein foods that aid in muscle repair and growth.

What foods should be included in meals to help with weight gain?

For healthy weight gain, it’s beneficial to increase your intake of fats and proteins. Foods that are known to assist in this include red meats, poultry, fish, beans, whole milk, eggs, various cheeses, full-fat yogurt, nuts, butter, and olives. These items can contribute to weight gain without compromising your overall health.

What does a weight gain meal plan look like?

A meal plan targeted for weight gain should include three main meals and two to three snacks daily. For snacks, consider options like crackers with cheese, yogurt with fruit, peanut butter on toast, fruit and nut mixes, or hard-boiled eggs. Meal ideas might include a baked potato topped with chili, a vegetable and rice stir-fry, tacos with chicken or beef, a quesadilla, or bean soup.

What are the first steps in meal prepping for bulking up?

When starting to meal prep for bulking, consider batch cooking to save time and prepare larger quantities. Focus on one-pot dishes such as chili, lasagna, pilafs, and other bulk recipes that can be easily divided for consumption throughout the week. Cook similar foods together and vary the dishes by using different herbs, spices, and sauces to keep your meals interesting and flavorful.